Monday, January 30, 2023



Sunday, January 22, 2023


 What is YouTube?

YouTube is a social media where you watch shit. Fucking shit. What the fuck. Ermmmmmm
YouTube Old logo 2005-2017

Demonization and COPPA

Demonization and COPPA is two hated thing lol

Friday, January 20, 2023

Whos this New York Times shit

Is this a clone? Idk but if i know who made this i will call waldo and send uhhhh 15 marshmallow bc i want to

(This is a joke don't be a crybaby lol)

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 Yes. We're hiring Admins to post and moderate UT!!!!! THATS AMAZING 

You can work for UT

Disclaimer: you'll not get paid bc i dont have money

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Sugar Cookies

 What are sugar cookies?

Sugar Cookies Are a Type of cookies and they're delicious if you hate these fuck you lol

Thursday, January 12, 2023



Where have i been?

Did UT Ended?

Are you Dead?

Can i kiss yo-

The 3 questions no.

I didn't leave ut

In Short UT is taking a hiatus 

The Beatles Used to be Loud Now Theyre Quiet

 This is different to what i always talk so be real. The beatles started as so crowded alot of fans but after revolver released and their to...

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